October 3, 2012

Morgan, 2 months.

Two months is such a wonderful time for portraits - babies can focus a bit more and have some real personality. Morgan is such a sweetie!

utah virginia dc lifestyle baby photographer filmutah virginia dc lifestyle baby photographer filmutah virginia dc lifestyle baby photographer filmutah virginia dc lifestyle baby photographer filmutah virginia dc lifestyle baby photographer filmutah virginia dc lifestyle baby photographer filmutah virginia dc lifestyle baby photographer filmutah virginia dc lifestyle baby photographer filmutah virginia dc lifestyle baby photographer filmutah virginia dc lifestyle baby photographer filmutah virginia dc lifestyle baby photographer film

Shot with a Contax 645, Fuji 400h. Black and whites done on some very expired Tri-X.


The Mansfields said...

Wow Linnea. I could NOT not comment on this. These pictures are amazing, that baby has to be the cutest baby I have EVER seen and that nursery makes my heart go pitter patter. Wow-- just wow!

Ellie said...

Um....love love LOVE! And I totally agree! I like newborn pictures but I think when they're older is more fun for my style. Seriously...one of my favorite baby sessions I've ever seen.